The science proves it can be done. Let me help you learn how.
I train struggling adoptive moms to tackle tantrums, deal with hoarding, say goodbye to chronic lying and connect with your child while building trust.
There is no reason why you should feel like you are alone in this. I am here to help you and have been where you are, feeling isolated, alone, cut off from the activities and friends I once enjoyed before adopting my children from foster care. It doesn't have to always be that way though. There are solutions!
My Adoption Tool Kit Course: 5 Strategies for Struggling Adoptive Moms Who Want to Create Harmony and Find Connection, takes you step by step through the 5 foundational strategies you can use to tackle tantrums, defiance, hoarding, lying and transitions.
And the incredible thing about tackling these specific issues is that, once you are good at using these punishment--free stratagies to build trust while still setting boundaries, you will be on the road to busting through the OTHER issues that you may be experiencing with your fostered and adopted kids.
These strategies are simple, but it doesn't mean it will be easy. In fact, if you aren't truly committed to helping your child heal, you shouldn't waste your time on this course. Because the buck stops with you. But if you are committed, your family will never be the same.
It's hard to explain to people who have never adopted just how isolating it can feel. If you learned even ONE concept that improved an area of life that is hard right now, I bet it would be worth it, right?
Click below to get the course and bonuses now!